Tacoma Home Inspector Reviews

WOW. I can’t believe how thorough and professional theses guys were. After 3 hours of painstakingly reviewing the house, Tacoma Home Inspector presented us with a printed binder (complete with color photos that they had taken minutes before) and went through each line item in detail. These guys are extremely knowledgeable, well-connected and very personable. I can’t say enough good things about our experience!

M. says: We used Tacoma Home Inspector, who were friendly, thorough, and knowledgeable. Their operation is slick. One of them will man a computer in the house while the other goes around with a radio and a camera and takes photos and calls in things that should be noted, which are then recorded in the computer. By the time they leave, you’ve got a printed report complete with photos, and your inspection report is available online. Their website has links to a bunch of resources, including content on their own site and on third-party sites, often linked from within the report itself.

I hired Tacoma Home Inspector today for a new townhome we The instant reports and photographs they had right after the home inspection was a huge bonus. Overall, great value. I also loved the overall attitude and enthusiasm they showed on the site– They were super friendly, and I truly felt like the two of them were real advocates of mine. I only wish more home professionals were even half as good as these two. I’ll definitely call them the next time around and recommend them to our friends.

Highly recommended! I was looking for someone with experience and who was independently-minded — for example, home inspectors recommended by your real estate agent may have some conflict of interest, since they’re incentivized to please the referring agent, who themselves have some incentive to get the deal closed. HIPS fit the bill on both counts. JJ had a couple of decades of experience as a contractor before becoming a home inspector, and both are excellent inspectors — he does the outside, roof, crawlspace, and structure, and she does the interior. It’s all very high-tech and efficient. Also, they definitely come across as independent-minded. He does a great job of explaining and both are very, very thorough. I think I’ve found my home inspectors for our next home, as well.

JJ and Suzanne did an excellent job. They worked as a team covering interior and exterior and consolidated it into a very detailed and thorough report complete with photos right on the spot in their mobile office. Very nice. They walked through everything in detail and were very friendly and professional. I would definitely recommend them.

“In my mortgage business, you need a good home inspector who is efficient, detailed and is conscientious of my timelines. Tacoma Home Inspector is just that. They are a business partner I can count on.” Judy

You guys did a great job! thanks a lot for the quick response and the great report! (I wish everyone in the home industry worked like you guys do) We will call you next time we need an inspection!

Thanks for being willing and able to come out to both properties I needed inspections for right away. Your flexibility was a huge relief as I’m on timelines for these inspection responses. Thanks again. You guys are the best!

I really appreciate you doing the inspection for me and my client. I felt really comfortable having you guys there as opposed to someone that I didn’t know. You guys are the absolute best. I enjoy working with you. sincerely, Carrie